Fly Fishing guide business Services
Keeping That Line Tight Between Heritage & Progress in Fly Fishing

Keeping That Line Tight Between Heritage & Progress in Fly Fishing
N.O.A. helps outfitters and guides do more than just keep their businesses "afloat", I help them thrive. With a lifetime on the water and firsthand experience in guiding, operations, and marketing, I bring real-world strategies to fly fishing. From refining operations to strengthening brands, my goal is simple: to make sure the future of fly fishing is as strong as the pool of a wild trout.
A special day. Not just because the browns were eating, but because they were crushing a fly tied by my soon-to-be wife. Nothing beats watching fish hammer something that was made by the person you love. It just hits different.
A moment I’ll never forget. Shortly before joining The Fly Project, I landed the biggest Brown Trout of my life.. and the feeling was unreal. This moment set the stage for my fly fishing career.
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